We are delighted to announce this new SAHGB event.
This will be an online event.
Cover Image - St. Paul's Cathedral by © Stephen Gage
This year marks the 300 years since Wren’s death in 1723. For most of that time, Wren’s contribution has been discussed and considered leading to a prodigious body of scholarship. This lecture asks why Wren continues to occupy architectural historians today, whether there is still more to explore about this fascinating individual and in particular what place he occupies in the history of the architectural profession.
St. Paul's Cathedral by ©Stephen Gage
James WP Campbell is Professor of Architecture and Construction History and Head of the Department of Architecture at the University of Cambridge. He is Chairman of the Construction History and has published widely on the history of building construction and the development of the architecture profession. His PhD looked at Wren’s carpentry and he is author of Building St Paul’s.
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Calling SAHGB Members!
In celebration of Sir Christopher Wren, we have a collection of Summer events on our website, including an in-depth walking tour to Greenwich with lunch (now booking on our events calendar), and more lectures for special anniversaries. The Annual Conference ‘Constructing Coloniality’ (UCL, London, May) is open for bookings with a member discount.