The SAHGB welcomes Professor Christy Anderson, a John Simon Guggenheim Fellow in the field of Architecture, Planning and Design at the University of Toronto, to give a lecture in celebration of architect and artist Inigo Jones.
This event will take place online through Zoom. A link will be circulated to all who registered the morning of the event. Thank you for understanding.
Cover Image: St Paul’s Church, Covent Garden ©Christy Anderson
One of the many talents of the designer and architect Inigo Jones is that he was a great reader. The surviving books from his collection are filled with the notes and markings of his response to the images and text. Throughout his books, and sometimes on the back of drawings, Jones made lists of the things that he read, buildings he studied, and sometimes just a list of things that he needed to remember from home. This talk looks at Jones’s list making and how it was a method of study that shaped his architecture and design practice, and even his own public persona. Within Jones’s notes are records of his careful study of buildings both in England and in Europe and indicate how much he relied on his study of things close to home as well as to the more exotic art and architecture of Italy, France, and Denmark. Finally, the talk will suggest that list-making as a practice was closely tied to Jones’s study of classical architecture, that was a list-based system of its own.
Queen’s House, Greenwich ©Christy Anderson
Professor Christy Anderson teaches at the University of Toronto. Her most recent project is a study of the Renaissance ship as an architectural type. Appearing this year is a second book on the architect Inigo Jones, to be published by Reaktion Press. Previous books include Renaissance Architecture (Oxford, 2013) and Inigo Jones and the Classical Tradition (Cambridge, 2006). In 2010 she was named a John Simon Guggenheim Fellow in the field of Architecture, Planning and Design. She received her PhD from MIT, and was a Senior Research Fellow at Worcester College, Oxford. She is currently Editor-in-Chief of The Art Bulletin.
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Please explore our Summer events on our website: the Annual Conference ‘Constructing Coloniality’ (UCL, London, May), Study Visits, and celebrations of Wren, Jones and Adam for 2023. Sincere thanks for your support. Please get in touch if you have any questions.